A GIANT Leap for Grasshopper-kind

Costa Rica, a land of breathtaking biodiversity, never ceases to amaze with its incredible insect life. One sunny morning, as I sipped my coffee on the balcony, I was greeted by an astonishing sight. There, strolling across the wooden railing, was a giant purple grasshopper, a Taeniopoda Reticulata. Its sheer size was awe-inspiring, easily dwarfing any grasshopper I had ever seen. Its body was a rich shade of regal purple.

What truly took my breath away, however, were the vibrant, iridescent pink hues adorning the inside of its wings.

I couldn't help but wonder about the purpose of this magnificent grasshopper's journey. Was it in search of food, a mate, or simply exploring the vast expanse of its tropical home?

In Costa Rica, each day brings new encounters with the extraordinary, from multicolored insects to majestic rainforests. The Taeniopoda Reticulata was just one of the many wonders that make this country a true haven for nature enthusiasts and adventurers.


jungle symphony


Mr. Bright-Eyes