Surprise Guest

Picture this: A sunny afternoon, where the air is warm, the vibes are laid-back, and the beer is cold. You find yourself sitting on the porch of your cozy cabina, sharing a well-deserved drink with your neighbor, soaking up the tropical atmosphere.

As you clink your beer bottles together, exchanging casual banter, your eyes wander to the vibrant garden surrounding your cabina. And there, in all its slithering glory, is a sight that would make Indiana Jones question his career choices—a nine-foot boa constrictor gracefully making its way through the foliage.

As my neighbor reacted with a mix of panic, disbelief, and possibly a high-pitched scream, she commented, "You seem surprisingly calm for someone who just spotted a colossal snake in their garden." I chuckled, taking a sip of my beer, "Well, this is not my first rodeo with reptilian encounters. I've had my fair share of scaly surprises since living in Costa Rica."

I guess I understood the snake's intentions. I knew that it was just on a stroll to the river, and it wasn't going to attack anything that it couldn't eat.

We both burst into laughter, the absurdity of the situation sinking in. My neighbor and I realize that life in Puerto Viejo is full of surprises, and a nine-foot boa constrictor casually passing through your garden is just another chapter in the whimsical tale I've found myself living.


Mr. Bright-Eyes